Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Wanted to wish you a
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
XO ~ 2009 ~ XO
Love you much...
The Schmidt Clan

Saturday, December 19, 2009

My little football player...

My little football player... "Just wait for him to join a team!"


"Seriously" I am spiderman. He wears this costume at least once a week, even when we take trips out of the house. We get lots of smiles at the grocery store, library, gym. : )

The day we got engaged... "January 23rd, 2004"

Friday, December 18, 2009

O.k. I gotta keep up with Angela and start writing/updating my blog. I really enjoyed reading what she has written about her current life, even though we talk regularly, it is never often enough and life keeps us busy. I love you, Ang & know that I will always be here for you...your loving 'Purple Tomato'!

Life is just dandy! I've decided to focus on the brighter things of life, because the darkest (dear Angela) is always there. The Yin/Yang of life! I've seen it to often in my life and didn't always feel like I had friends/family there to pull me away from it. Doesn't mean that they weren't there, but didn't always know if they were there. I am glad that I have a hubby and three yr old to keep me from looking for it. I did recently come up with a great scenario about myself. My mother loves happy, cheerful things and wants/strives to surround herself with them often. I on the otherhand would suffocate if I were surrounded by this too often. If you think of music chords, she loves the Major light hearted ones...I prefer the Minor chords. Alittle tweeked if you might say. The ones that know me, would agree. The ones that don't know me, just don't know. : ) Music in minor makes me smile and my heart warm, such as a beautful sunset or glass of wine. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate the major chords, but couldn't get by in life without both. Gotta have darkness to see the light (makes it glow). Note: Think I may have inherited this from both my parents. Dad loves James Bond movies and Mom 'Scary/Suspense'. : )

Korbin is spelling his name, beginning to recognize letters in the alphabet, counting to twenty, colors o'plenty, loves swimming & running, library time & videogames! Helps at times with the dishes, laundry and my in-house receptionist. Currently loves the Tinkerbell movies and YES I bought him Tinkerbell for XMAS... Sorry Daddy isin't laughing, but doesn't have a choice in the matter! : )
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy NEW YEAR!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Penguin... By: Korbin

Korbin filmed this, while I danced the Penguin...

He loves watching it. I should film him watching

it so that you can see his big smiling grin!